Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Day 4 - Singapore - Malacca

The Harrises have arrived in Malaysia! Family nose bag at the Holiday Inn breakfast buffet - and yes Lily is 12, just tall for her age - left everyone with that slightly uncomfortably full feeling. Packed everything - well we'll soon find out if we didn't - and then check out and a cab to Queen Street bus station. A female Singapore version of Danny de Vito's character in Taxi checked that all was in order with our ticket and we waited for the bus to arrive. When it did it, of course, it parked on the opposite side of the road where we and fellow passengers and our luggage stood - so kids, cases and fellow passengers trundles across the road dodging morning rush hour traffic. The luggage hatch was open and the driver kept his distance whilst I piled our four cases inside. We took our seats, waited for late comers and our driver and we're off!

Not for long did the wheels roll on our wagon as we soon arrived at the causeway that joins Singapore to Malaysia and we had to jump off, get passports stamped, make a mad family dash to the loo (all that mango / pineapple juice) and then back on the bus only to have to get off again when we got to the other side. This time as well as bodies we also had to have luggage with us so unloaded all of that, went through screening for who knows what and then passports stamped and reload the luggage, jump back on the bus and this time - woo hoo! 

Speeding through the countryside with sights all around - well, quite possibly but after all my exertions (bless!) I fell fast asleep and was in the land of nod until about an hour out of Melaka. The difference between Singapore and Malaysia is marked - the first being the state of the cars. It costs thousands of US dollars to be allowed to own a car in Singapore and so all the cars are both new and well looked after. No such concerns in Malaysia - if it moves - drive it! Saw an old MGB GT in a garage for sale if anybody is interested. Anyway, arrived at the bus station and after a quick comedy sketch involving the four of us, our luggage and a small taxi boot we arrived at our hotel. The first real sun of the trip - it's HOT - demands a trip to the pool for a splish and a splash. 

As you can see it is a super pool - about twenty metres long and an infinity view to one side. unfortunately all you can see from the infinity side is a building site for a new hotel - an hotel,as Maria pointed out, that will block out much of the view from the pool but we'll be long gone by then. Lots of fun in the pool - some semi serious swimming and George and i tried to discover as many competitive pool games as possible which didn't involve swimming - got up to about ten before we were distracted by table tennis. Everybody took turns lying in the beautiful hot sun and reading our books (how Harris!) until the sun had sunk below the horizon and food started calling. 

Back to the rooms to refresh and change before heading out into the night to find some food - Jalan Jonker was where we were heading - the only place, we were soon to discover, that wasn't on the handy map. A forthright and frank discussion about the merits of taking a taxi when you first arive in a new town and need to find a restaurant followed before we stumbled across said street and strolled its length to find somewhere for makan dan minum. Past the posh restaurants ( ie with interior seating and  decoration) we strolled until finding a street kedai of suitably ill repute. Loads of satay, noodles, rice, kang kong, stir fried fish in ginger and onions, chilli prawns, seafood noodles, Tiger beer, Kickapoo Joy Juice (infant nectar), Anchor Beer and 7-Up left us in Mr Creosote territory - all for twenty quid! 

A slow stroll to an ice cream shop followed by an energetic piece of unsuccesful bartering with two pedlers of fantastically decorated rickshaws and eventually a taxi back to the hotel for a third of their price. They should see their SME advisor! Back in the room and everyone is ready for bed - ready to catch some zeds in preparation for a day of culture in Melaka (Malacca) tomorrow.

Night all!



  1. Kickapoo Joy Juice! Brings back memories of Hong Kong in the 70s!

  2. George's favourite new tipple! I think he likes the name more than anything...

  3. Just remembered that I needed to ask you to find me a tin of Root beer boiled sweets to bring back! I bought some at KL airport when we were on our honeymoon, and have saved the last one. But would love to have a new tin to last me another 13 years! xxx E-J

  4. Hmm, we like a challenge. Will try and track some down for you xx
